Teen Therapy in Los Angeles

Being a teenager is tough.

Navigating friendships and dating

Keeping up in school to prepare for college

Figuring out “who you are” all while your body is rapidly changing

However, today’s adolescents are doing this all with the pressures of social media and having lived through a global pandemic 

More than ever, teens are struggling with anxiety. You’ve noticed the following changes that worry you and indicate your teen may need support from a therapist: 

Constant worry and stress

Difficulty managing academic responsibilities, decline in grades

School avoidance, procrastinating, or difficulty focusing

Fear of judgement and avoiding social situations or new opportunities

Irritability and emotional outbursts

Low self-esteem and being overly critical of themselves, negative self talk and comparison to others

Withdrawing from family, friends, or hobbies

Changes in appetite or sleep

Teen Therapy Los Angeles | Silver Lake

You’re Ready to See Your Teen

Build resilience and confidence that will carry them successfully into adulthood.

Feel more self assured and to learn how to cope effectively with all of life’s challenges.

Manage and express their emotions in a healthy way.

Feel connected to others and navigate relationships with peers and family with ease.

Enjoying the exciting aspects of adolescence - making lasting memories with friends, discovering what they are passionate about, and exploring a world of opportunities.

How It Works

Adolescence can be a confusing and overwhelming time but therapy can be a helpful resource for your teen while they navigate these changes.

Therapy is a space where your teen can open up and express their thoughts and feelings freely - something teens desperately want and need.

Your teen will learn tools to manage their anxiety such as healthy coping skills and ways to increase their self confidence.

I’ll support your teen in learning how to effectively communicate (yes, they still need your support; it just looks different as they get older) and build healthy relationships with their peers.

Teen Therapy Can Help Address:

  • Anxiety

  • Academic Stress

  • Self Esteem

  • Friendships and Relationships

  • Family Conflict

  • Exploring Identity (Gender and Sexuality)

Your Teen is Ready to Ditch Anxiety and Self Doubt

Teen Therapist Los Angeles | Silver Lake

Frequently Asked Questions

  • My approach is individualized for each client. Sessions start with me asking what your teen would like to focus on today and we go from there. Often, I will incorporate skill building into sessions based on what your teen is struggling with.

    My main priority is to connect with your teen so therapy is effective. I work hard to build trust and help your teen feel comfortable in therapy so they can truly benefit from the process.

    Sessions are individual and only with your teen unless we decide parent sessions are needed.

  • My office is located in Silver Lake, Los Angeles.

    Additionally, I can see clients virtually throughout California and New York.

    I have after-school availability.

  • Contact me to schedule a free consultation call to get started. We’ll make sure I am the right therapist for your teen’s goals and answer any questions you have.